Webinar: Onboarding Your Way to a Million-Dollar Personal Training Department

Posted by MexLucky Team on Apr 10, 2019 2:12:11 PM



In this webinar hosted by Maria Turco and led by Active's very own Mark Koester, you will get a deep dive into the onboarding process for new members and fitness department team staff in order to ensure your facility is set up for long-term success.

We will look at the new member lifecycle from both the member perspective and that of the fitness department. This includes insight on how to:

  • Set expectations
  • Deliver on promises
  • Decrease attrition
  • Increase sales

The presentation will also share industry statistical benchmarks that illustrate the difference between keeping members or losing them.

You will walk away with actionable items and implementable fitness programs based on this data. The goal is to increase the usage and joy of current members, which limits attrition and increases sales.